Hazmat Trailer, w/ Hazmat Coordinator Walt Ambach-2009
1855 Hunneman Hand Pumper
Argo-1 was purchased by West Brookfield Solar LLC at ZERO cost to the Town
Engine 3 - Purchased from the Town of Brimfield
Attention Business Owners!
In an attempt to have updated contact information during emergencies we are requesting that you fill out the forms below. When an emergency strikes in your business location the Fire Department, the Police Department, or our State Police Dispatch Center may need to contact a local keyholder, or at least the owner. This keyholder may be requested to respond in order for us to make entry so that we can minimize damage or save the property. Please take the time to fill out the form and email it back, deliver it to the Town Hall, or send it to us at: P.O. Box 372, West Brookfield, MA 01585. Thank you!
If you require a Business Inspection please use the Self Inspection Form to evaluate your property prior to our arrival. It will aid you in assessing your business occupancy for fire code violations. If we can assist you in resolving these, please call us: (508) 867-1423 or email: firedept@wbrookfield.com.
The West Brookfield Fire Department will be selling burning permits at the Fire Station every Saturday, during the Open Burning Season from 8:00 AM until noon.
Open burning season is from January 15th until May 1st, depending on weather conditions. You must purchase a permit before you call (508) 867-1066 or logon to: http://c8burnpermits.com/ on the day you wish to burn to receive a daily permit number. You need to login or call between the hours of 7:30am and noon, on the day you wish to burn, in order to receive your number.
Please be aware: The Massachusetts D.E.P. is monitoring air quality around the state. On a particular day with "unacceptable" air quality, open burning will NOT be allowed.
You may only burn BRUSH! All other materials are illegal. No leaves, grass, hay, stumps, building debris or any other materials are allowed to be burned.
All open burning must be a minimum of 75 feet from buildings or structures.
Burning will be allowed to start at 10:00am and must be extinguished by 4pm.
Any open fire must be attended at all times by the permit holder.
No person shall set, maintain or increase a fire in open air at any time except by permission.
You must be 18 years or older to apply for a permit and/or set, maintain or increase a fire once permission has been granted by the Fire Department.
You must have an appropriate means to extinguish an open air fire completely at the end of the day or if requested by the Fire Department.
The Fire Department can refuse or cancel a permit at any time. (Example: Violation of permit regulations, or change in weather conditions.)
See Massachusetts Regulation 310 CMR: DEP 7.07 "Open Burning"